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Fresh Vegetable And Fruit Juice For Detoxing In South Africa Detox Range 330ml
Fresh Vegetable And Fruit Juice For Detoxing In South Africa Detox Range 330ml 2

5 Day Detox

10 x Cleanse (330ml)
10 x Glow (330ml)
10 x Immunity (330ml)

ZAR 970.00 970.00 1 R 970.00
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Juices Included: 


Ingredients: Spinach, Cucumber, Apple, Lemon, Kale, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Pineapple

Known benefits:

Spinach is packed full of Vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A, C, E & K, iron, & protein to name a few! Cucumbers & Lemons have recognised anti-cancer properties. Not to mention cinnamon’s association with lowering blood sugar in Type 1 & 2 diabetes patients.


Ingredients: Carrot, Apple, Lemon & Pineapple

Known benefits:
Carrots, like lemons, are a good source of vitamin C and are full of Antioxidants. Pineapples are full of Vitamin B and apples boast a strong ability to decrease oxidation of cell membrane fats.


Ingredients: Beets, Apple, Ginger, Lemon & Carrot

Known benefits:

Not only are carrots and beets great for detoxing, beets, as well as lemons are also associated with lowering your risk of cancer. The antioxidant found in apples are related to lowering your risk of Asthma. There are many benefits to Ginger, but it is most known for its pain relief in Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis sufferers.

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